As we arrived I had this strange, uncomfortable feeling as if I'd just stepped off a time machine into my worst 80's nightmare. I was never much for Metal in the 80's and though I've been listening to more than my share in recent years I was unaware that the fashion,
for the most part had gone unchanged in the twenty five years since. It's hard to fathom that people would be wearing combat boots and dungaree jackets, however sleeveless,
in temperatures hitting one hundred degrees. I had never been to a Municipal Waste show or even knew much about the band but my buddy Dave has yet to steer me wrong musically so I was open to the experience. Though I felt out of place amongst the army of Sacred Reich shirts, back pocket bandanas and caps with exaggerated bills I was there with an open mind and curious ears.

As I walked in the Ugly's had already launched in to their set. The band looked old and weathered, each one looking just a few years short of getting their AARP cards but make no mistake they delivered the Metal. I thought, "If this is the opening band, my ears are in for a treat tonight." Later on I met the bands singer and guitarist separately and found out a couple of the members were in Red Banks legendary Ripping Corpse more than twenty years ago. Kinda cool if you ask me.

Next up was Denmark's Night Fever. Earlier I remember joking with Dave about the bands name wondering they'd be taking the stage in white leisure suits only to serenade us with Metal versions of Bee Gee classics.As I witnessed the bands singer take the stage sporting a Negative Approach tee shirt. I knew this would not be the case. The band played an amazing set of Metal tinged Hardcore that had the energy of a Youth of Today set mixed with the attitude of a Black Flag song. It's always good to see a touring band get interest from the crowd.
After their set I headed right over to the merch table and picked up their record. I can't stress how important it is to support touring bands. They make most of their money selling their merchandise. That alone is hardly enough for gas and food.
By now I was already soaked in sweat and headed outside for some much needed air. Only to realize it was even hotter outside. As I was about to head inside to check out Hammer Fight,
I was told by several people "They aren't very good." I thought, "let me at least see for myself."
"Not very good" turned out to be "This band really sucks" rather quickly as I was serenaded with a chorus of "If you homos aren't going off to this song, you're even bigger pussies than you look like." There were a couple of dudes in their late thirties who were hurling themselves into anyone and everyone who wasn't dancing. The biggest douche bag of them all even crashed in the Night Birds table knocking it and it's merch girl over. (Note too assholes that do this. "You are not the show.") These dicks reminded me of the bone heads I went to high school with. The only difference was they were now almost forty. Yet they looked and acted the same.
Thankfully, the Night Birds were up next. Truth be told, this was the band I was there to see.

I've been listening to these guys for close to a year now but this was my first time seeing them live.
Shit, talk about bringing it to another level. I know most of the people in attendance were there to see Municipal Waste but as far as I'm concerned Night Birds killed it.
I've seen some bands lately whose live sets have brought me to near orgasmic levels musically. (All Eyes West and The Rye Coalition) come to mind. These guys are pretty high on that list.
It's great to see there are still bands that are playing that "balls out, in your face" kinda Rock n' Roll that still has somewhat of a "danger" factor to it. These guys definitely delivered on that. I can't wait to see this band play again.
Judging from the crowd and the direction the night had already taken I had no idea what to expect from Municipal Waste or the crowd in attendance. I just knew it was going to be sick.
I had heard so much about the band from both Dave and my friend Amy Edge. But in all honesty it didn't bring me any closer to drawing any direct line to what I'd be hearing or experiencing. It was either going to be a Metal Armageddon or the greatest party ever.
The crowd of misfits gathered, hugging the stage with anticipation as the band took the stage.

I didn't know what the fuck to expect but I was ready for it.
I positioned myself, looked forward, left and right to survey what might be hitting me within the next minute or so and then it happened.
MW launched into their set and the place went ape shit. Somehow, the energy sucked me in and before I knew it, I was a fan. I managed to get front stage center, getting crushed by the onslaught ofbodies.
(Even dropping my camera at one point.) Talk about a great set.
These guys totally lived up to they're billing. Like missing pieces to a puzzle, all the descriptions finally made sense to me.
People were going nuts, launching off the stage with boogie boards and an energy that was pure pandemonium. This was the bands only local appearance and they made it a memorable one for all involved. I was treated to something different and in hindsight feel pretty lucky.
Shout out to Amy Edge. It's always a pleasure seeing her and her camera at the other side of the stage. James Damion

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